Crusty rolls, richly decorated with colourful ingredients

The tastiest crusty rolls, topped with fresh, recognizable and colourful ingredients. You can eat them as they are or make them even more delicious with your own ingredients!

  • Available in 3 flavours: pizza, herb-butter & cheese-onion-bacon
  • A light airy bread structure
  • Single portion: +/- 75-85g

”People are spending less time cooking and are eating multiple times a day. They’re looking for easy, pre-made food options that fit their busy schedules!”

Crispy buns are mainly consumed during breakfast (37%) and lunch (87%). Topped crusty rolls can drive growth, during dinner and (late night) snacks!

More colour and variation result in products with a great sense of freshness, an irresistible appearance, and more flavour. This leads to a greater perception of health among consumers.

Taste it yourself!

Interested in samples, a tasting or would you like to meet one of our colleagues? Contact us here!

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